About Me

Welcome friends!

<--------- (That's me over there!)

I'm a stay-at-home mom with a background in journalism and education. I'm originally from South Florida, but I'm currently living in Newfoundland, Canada with my husband, pup, and daughter.

Like many people, I've wasted a lot of my life struggling with self-esteem issues.

If I was all alone in the world, I'd continue going through life letting my fear of failure and rejection shape my path

but I have this bundle of joy in my life now-

and she deserves a strong, happy, capable mama to teach her about action, self-control, independence, compassion, flexibility and creativity.

I'm becoming more convinced each day that the secret to autonomy, isn't chanting positive mantras and wishing you were a different person. It comes from gaining the practical knowledge and skills to navigate life on your own terms.

Somehow I've made it through the first 27 years of my life without learning how to do some very basic things. Like ironing a shirt. Or changing a tire. Or shuffling cards. Or doing much more with my hair than throwing it into a wet bun.

I made a list of skills I've always wanted to do but struggled with, and I plan to spend the rest of the year trying to master them.

I won't cure cancer or anything, but I might learn the kind of stuff I can pass on to my daughter and save her a few years of befuddlement.

Join me!

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